Having a narcissistic pastor in your church is like having an infection in your body. When I was involved with the Denver based CoG7 I saw many men with NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) in pastoral roles. I know this based on having studied Psychology extensively. These men are not qualified in scripture to be pastors but the carnal church doesn’t get this because they are not spiritually minded.
Within the past 4 years, my wife and I attended a church near by and eventually I came to realize the pastor was self appointed and is a covert Narcissist. He was also a false teacher, he not only deceived others but he deceived himself as well. I told my wife at one point I wanted to leave that church. She didn’t want to for fear she would lose her friends. I assured her that leaving a church doesn’t mean you are leaving your friends. Finally she got fed up with this pastor also and she followed me out the door not to return. Most of the other members finally started seeing things and left also. I held a zoom meeting to start another group. Wouldn’t you know but there was another narcissist in the group who claimed he is called to be pastor and most of the people were too naive to see it. Again, we left that church.
These narcissists want power and control and don’t understand their own Bible that says we are to be servants as Messiah was. They see the role of pastor as a leadership role when in reality it is simply one of several roles in the body of Messiah and in the early assembly after Messiah went to Heaven several men would preach the sermon on Sabbath and it wasn’t one man having the preeminence. In fact, scripture tells us that only Messiah has the preeminence, but Narcissists don’t understand this because they are goats and not sheep. Their perspective is so blurred it makes them hypocrites. They are false teachers.
We meet with a small group now at home and things are going very well. I suspect as I invite more people it will grow.
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