His Love is out of this world!

  • Welcome to the site. We are fairly new although I am not new to web development. I hope you all are blessed and encouraged. Some of our members don’t have local fellowship and so I’m happy that we can provide a safe place for Torah pursuant followers of Messiah. The site offers free speech within the confines of scripture of course.

    Overall I…[Read more]

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    Many of us run into pastors who do not meet the description of a pastor mentioned in scripture. Instead, we find narcisissitic types or […]

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    Information on the large social sites in this evil world.

    I want to share some information that can be helpful to many people. In th […]

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    Many churches in our day are not adhering to the word of Elohim as the early congregation did and we are seeing a great falling away in […]

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    Messiah told us not to be a leader. He taught us to be servants. This is what not being called Rabbi is all about and yet many do no […]

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    But you, do not be called ‘Rabbi,’ for One is your Teacher, the Messiah, and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone on earth y […]

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    Love Your Enemies
    Bless those who persecute you – bless and do not curse. Romans 12:14 TS2009

    But I say to you who are hear […]

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    Understanding ourselves first and getting the beam out of our eye is what enables us to understand other people better and help them be […]

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    It’s more important now than ever to forgive anyone and everyone with whom you have had differences. Those you have stopped talking to […]

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    Read this close. Heaven and Earth are still here. Contrary to what many teach that Torah was abolished, Yeshua HaMashiach tells us no […]

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    Where does Hashem come from?

    Hashem or Ahima are the same.

    The Jesuits have hidden the name of Elohim and have hidden it from th […]

  • The new moon was sighted in Nashville, TN April 2, 2022

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    I have been hearing of young women who get pregnant and want to abort their baby. The thinking in our world is that it isn’t a pe […]

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    A safe social networking site that offers freedom within structure and doesn’t harass or abuse it’s members. How cool is that? Hi […]

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    When the scripture says we are not under the law, it does not mean the Torah has been abolished. Quite the contrary. Scripture shows we […]

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    Be compassionate, just as your Father is compassionate to you.”  Luke 6:36

    So in all things, do to others what you would want them t […]


    The only birthday celebrations mentioned in the Bible a couple of times are those practiced by pagans.

    Then it happened on the third day—Pharaoh’s birthday—that he held a banquet for all his serv […]

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    What kind of motorcycles do Messianics ride? It’s obvious, a YAHmaha!

    What kind of cars do Messianics drive? A Honda! This way th […]

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    Qualifications for Elders

    The reason I left you in Crete was so that you would set in order the things that remain and appoint el […]

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